Business process models examples
Business process models examples

The figure below summarized this process and the outcome of a process model audit performed by BOC Group. Often, even small adjustments can generate extra added-value from your process documentation. These gaps are then presented by BOC consultants with concrete recommendations for further action. We then assess these models according to the level of detail needed, correct modelling standards, and consider the accompanying information.īased on this evaluation, we indicate the gaps between the ACTUAL state of your process documentation and the TARGET requirements of your selected scenarios. The most common business processes are employee onboarding, sales, procurement, and client onboarding. The 5 top benefits of using business processes are productivity, agility, measurability, employee satisfaction, compliance and transparency.

business process models examples

Next, we select a model package with models relevant for this scenario repository. A business process is a set of steps you do to achieve a goal. Our process experts are happy to support you in your process audit efforts! First, we show you which typical application scenarios exist, and determine together which of these are relevant for you and your company. Your process management tool is filled with models and you’re looking to review and refine them? In this case, a process model audit is the right method to ensure that your processes are modelled efficiently and fulfil their purpose in the most effective way.

Business process models examples