Fallout shelter outfir recipe wrench screwdriver symbol
Fallout shelter outfir recipe wrench screwdriver symbol

fallout shelter outfir recipe wrench screwdriver symbol

  • 5) Start FalloutShelter and load a vault (make sure to backup it before).
  • fallout shelter outfir recipe wrench screwdriver symbol

    4) Extract the contents of the downloaded zip there (and overwrite 2 files).3) Goto "games/FalloutShelter/FalloutShelter_Data".

    fallout shelter outfir recipe wrench screwdriver symbol

    2) Locate the installation folder of FalloutShelter.Download and installation (Currently PC only) For example the Rare and Legendary version of an outfit can have different textures.Īlso this might replace the current mods that I made for PC and Android FS that's why there is a "config.json" where you can setup the basic mods (dweller limits, explorer limits, stimpack and radaway limits, room destruction). Custom outfit textures (alpha)Įxtending mods further: With this modded version of the game you can create custom textures for different outfits. NOTE: This is a really old and not supported mod. FalloutShelter save editor Easy to use save editor for Fallout Shelter.

    Fallout shelter outfir recipe wrench screwdriver symbol